COVID-19 Update
COVID-19 has officially been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). While COVID-19 is causing much uncertainty in our world and our communities, the MCPA feels that this the time that Chiropractic Physicians in Missouri and across the world can be leaders at spreading information based on fact, not fear.
Now that President Trump and Governor Parson have asked every citizen to limit gatherings to less than 10 people, practice self-quarantine, and social distancing, there have many questions about what that actually entails. The MCPA has fielded many questions regarding "what do we do now"? The MCPA believes that it is important to provide as much reliable information as possible so that every Chiropractic Physician can make an educated decision of what is best for their patients, their practice, and their loved ones.
We encourage everyone to continue to follow proper compliance procedures, while also adhering to the recommended safety protocols. These protocols are ever-changing and evolving, so please check the site links below for the latest requirements and recommendations.
-MCPA Executive Board
UPDATE 10-14-2020:
$20 Billion in New Phase 3 Provider Relief Funding: Eligible providers, including chiropractic physicians, that have already received federal Provider Relief Fund payments are invited to apply for additional funding that considers financial losses and changes in operating expenses caused by the coronavirus. Previously ineligible providers, such as those who began practicing in 2020, may also apply. Information on how to apply can be found here.
UPDATE 8-29-2020:
The MCPA was notified that the Greene County Health Department has been contacting Chiropractic Physicians with misinformation regarding their essential workers status in the latest Department of Homeland Security Essential Worker list released on August 18, 2020. Chiropractors are still specifically indicated as being Essential Workers in this latest list. If you are contacted by any Health Department indicating that you are no longer classified as an Essential Worker, please refer them to page 7 of the Version 4.0 CISA Guidance on Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers FINAL AUG 18v2_0
Below is the section in question taken from this latest list.
Workers, including laboratory personnel, that perform critical clinical, biomedical and other research, development, and testing needed for COVID-19 or other diseases.•Healthcare providers including, but not limited to, physicians (MD/DO/DPM); dentists; psychologists; mid-level practitioners; nurses; emergency medical services personnel, assistants and aids; infection control and quality assurance personnel; phlebotomists; pharmacists; physical, respiratory, speech and occupational therapists and assistants; social workers; optometrists; speech pathologists; chiropractors; diagnostic and therapeutic technicians; and radiology technologists.
Important COVID-19 Information and LInks:
US Department of Homeland Security: Chiropractic Physicians are Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers
Identification Of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers During Covid-19 Response
World Health Organization (WHO):
WHO Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak website
Center for Disease Control (CDC):
CDC COVID-19 website
CDC Information for Healthcare Professionals
CDC What Healthcare Personnel Should Know about Caring for Patients with Confirmed or Possible COVID-19 Infection
Interim U.S. Guidance for Risk Assessment and Public Health Management of Healthcare Personnel with Potential Exposure in a Healthcare Setting to Patients with Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services: 24 hour hotline: 877-435-8411
DHSS COVID-19 website
DHSS Healthcare Professional Resources - COVID-19
DHSS How Do I Prevent... COVID-19DHSS Handling COVID-19 Anxiety
PPE Supplies
Würth Baer Supply Company - (800) 944-2237 - www.baersupply.com
PPE Catalog
Hand Sanitizers
Organic Hand Sanitizers (price sheet)
Pro Spray Disinfectant
Sneeze Guards
Acrylic PolySheets
COVID-19 Resources for Chiropractic
NCMIC CoronaVirus Online Resources
NCMIC CoronaVirus Online Resources
Federal Cares Economic Relief Plan
Summary from the U.S. Chamber
How small businesses will benefit from the CARES Act
Summary of the legislation from the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance
U.S. Chamber: Understanding the Paycheck Protection Program
H&R Block Stimulus Check Calculator
Families First CoronaVirus Response Act:
Fact sheet for employers
Fact sheet for employees
Questions and answers document
SBA Disaster Assistance Loans:
Learn more and apply
Read more about the SBA disaster assistance process
SBA Loan news release from Gov. Mike Parson
COVID-19 Resources from Missouri SBDC
Spire’s Small Business Pandemic Relief Program:
Spire's Small Business Pandemic Relief Program provides up to five monthly $100 credits to active, small business customers who qualify.
Learn more and apply